Monday, October 31, 2016

TED Talk: Everything you hear on film is a lie.

"Sound design is built on deception — when you watch a movie or TV show, nearly all of the sounds you hear are fake. In this audio-rich talk, Tasos Frantzolas explores the role of sound in storytelling and demonstrates just how easily our brains are fooled by what we hear."

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Video: Dylan Sunflowers

Congratulations to Bob Dylan on winning the Nobel Prize for Literature!

Here's a video I made a couple of years ago. Music is Dylan's great song ""Duquesne Whistle."

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Nothing is original

I once came to an artist with only a semblance of an idea. All I knew was that I wanted a tattoo of Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader in a lightsaber battle. I brought some pictures from the movies into him and he asked me to give him a few weeks. So I did and he gave me one of the coolest tattoos I thought I'd ever seen. He kept telling me how much prep work he put into it. He was trying to create something super original. And sure enough I thought he did. That is, until I started surfing the internet for more Star Wars tattoo ideas and I came across something almost exactly identical. I guess tattoos really have become so common that you really just can't have something completely original.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Trailer: 'True Grit' (2010)

Still haven't seen the Coen Brother's re-make of True Grit. To be honest, this trailer doesn't make me want to.

Trailer: True Grit (1969)

Haven't seen True Grit since 1969 but this trailer brings back all the feels!
Must have read the Mad Magazine parody a hundred time, as well!

Michael Sandknop with Scott Charles Marvin talks about their time with AFN Baghdad

POD CAST: Michael Sandknop with Scott Marvin relive old times at AFN Baghdad
 Sgt First Class Michael Sandknop in full battle gear video taping reconstruction of an electrical plant in Iraq.

 Sgt First Class Michael Sandknop in his "hooch" at the presidential palace in Baghdad  his latest care-package

Bus stop destroyed during a motor attack.

Sgt First Class Michael Sandknop at the world's largest graveyard in the world.  Located in Najaf Iraq, he was covering the aftermath of Muqtadah Al-Sadhar's Mahdi Milita's attack on US Forces.  The photo was taken in August 2004, one day after a cease-fire was negotiated.

Somewhere in Iraq, Michael Sandknop shows the afternoon temperature.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Panda Cheese Commercials

The video Michael showed about the kid throwing a temper tantrum in the store to get candy reminded me of this commercial series.

Video: Through the Hills

Video: Architectural Models

How a Director breaks down a script
by Michael Sandknop

On Directing
by Harold Clurman


Available on Amazon: $14.52

"What's my motivation?"
This side answers that question for the actors.
Think of it as a "Story Board" for performance.

In my previous post I discussed the example of "Karate Kid"
Here's how the Director starts out.

Here are two videos that illustrate two different "Director's Idea" with the same plot line:
"A little boy want's something from his parent."

Here is an example of my notes for an upcoming
music video I'm Directing.
 It's  is a parody of Madonna's "Material Girl" rewritten
as "Clinton Felonious Girl."

Left side are the storyboards
Right side are the overhead views

As a Parody, while similar in style
the TONE is completely different,
and so is the "Director's Idea"
This is a "mock-up" of how I want the actor's to deliver their performance
which leads to how the audience reacts.

Again this is a mock-up on how it all comes together.
In the case of "Clinton Felonious Girl" I've broken it down each page to 30 seconds.
The song is 4 minutes long, so I have 8 pages.

Here is the original music video of Madonna's "Material Girl"

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Radio Marketing Interview With Former A.M. Host: Ryan Freeman

I posted my podcast above in YouTube video form. This is my first podcast ever and I chose to interview my friend, Ryan Freeman, about Radio Marketing. Hope you all like it.

Rici's video

Maker Spotlight: Rici Hoffarth
from Rici Hoffarth on Vimeo.

This was my first attempt at a professional(ish) video. I found the editing process with Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects to be intuitive and interesting. I found the filming process and dealing with the camera/mics to have a much steeper learning curve. I know I can improve on the quality of video/audio, but I’m proud of the editing, sequence, tone, and rhythm. What are your thoughts?

It did feel awkward to do a whole video featuring myself- it was more of a practice run. I was available and accessible, after all. But, I would absolutely LOVE to make a video featuring someone else’s work. If you know anyone interesting- send them my way!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Podcast: This American Life -- Buddy Picture

"This American Life producer Jonathan Goldstein with a story about friendship, mothers and sons, and what some have called the greatest phone message in the world—it circulated at Columbia University in New York City, and had something to do with the Little Mermaid. (19 minutes)"

If the embedded player above doesn't work, click the This American Life link above.

Asia's Blog

Asia: Natural Hair

Monday, October 3, 2016

Trailers: The Infiltrator versus Notorious

I'm quite possibly the only person in the world to watch the trailer for the forthcoming film The Infiltrator and think of Hitchcock's Notorious but here you go.

Parody & Satire: Sinkhole Live Report - Saturday Night Live

Taking the form of a parody of a local breaking news report, this Saturday Night Live skit satirizes some commonly held views on relationships.

Alex Video

Mackenzie's Blog

Demetria's Blog

Here is the link to my blog

Important: Course Evaluations Conducted Online During Classes

Course evaluations will be conducted next week, Monday, October 10.

Please bring a laptop, tablet or a smart phones to class. Any of these devices will work using university WiFi. Go to: where you will find a log-in page asking for your Connections ID and password. Once logged in, you will find the form for this class and you can complete it. The responses are anonymous.

Video: Raven Wolf In His Own Words

Perhaps a resource


 I saw this article the other day and I thought you would find it interesting, if not helpful to your project.

Riverfront Times article on Ragtime Tattoo