Monday, September 12, 2016

Alex Oakes Photoshop

1) I brightened up all of the area around the sign but I kept the sign itself the exact same. I figured the sign staying darker created a nice composition as well as a depth to the sign.
2) I brightened the whole picture. I feel like the yellow now stands out so much better now that the picture looks like it was taken in the middle of the day instead of the evening.
3) My friend Justin actually had a tattoo of the Cardinals STL logo on his wrist but I took it out of the picture.
4) Some of the grass around the pole was very green and alive, however, some of it looked very brown and dead. I used the clone stamp tool to try and recreate the nice looking grass over the spots with the dead grass.
5) I turned the picture black and white to reflect the tone of the book that the tattoo is referencing.
6) I increased the vibrance. My skin looked very pale and it was making the picture of my tattoo look a little dull so I increased the vibrance to give my skin a nice peach color.
7) Underneath the Han Solo tattoo I actually have another unrelated tattoo that I thought was stealing some focus so I cropped it out.
8) I used the sharpen tool on my arm tattoo to really just make it look incredibly crisp and stand out.
9) I took the picture of my girlfriend's ferret tattoo and put it together with the picture she got the idea from to make it one picture.
10) My friend and I dressed up for the premiere of the first Avengers. I was Captain America and he was Thor. We were just missing Iron Man.

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