Saturday, May 13, 2017

How to Get Into Comics

From Bleeding Cool:
Pretty much every comic fan has probably at some stage had someone ask them how to get into comics. With the popularity of superhero and comic movies and TV shows, this is just getting more and more common and often, but it can be a tough question to answer.

Partly for the same reasons that many who have struggled to start getting into comic books might suggest: there’s just so much out there, how can they possibly know where to start?

Well, YouTuber Patrick Willems has got you covered. Check out his latest video that has some really fantastic suggestions for those who would like to start reading comics, and for those who get the question often and don’t know how to answer it.

Plus, there’s a ton of fantastic recommendations towards the end too. Take it away, Patrick!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Podcast: Fans & Fan Fiction

From NPR's 1A:
Movies, television shows and books build entire worlds with characters, and now more than ever, fans are expanding those worlds. Fan fiction can build a relationship between a creator and the fan base, inspire new material and even raise legal issues. Our guests are Amber Davisson, assistant professor at Keene State College, Petra Mayer, editor at NPR Books, Rebecca Tushnet, professor at Georgetown Law and head of the legal committee of the Organization for Transformative Works, and Katherine Larsen, professor at George Washington University and author of Fangasm: Supernatural Fangirl.
Click here to listen.

Friday, March 31, 2017


From Motto:
As for her duties as Storyteller-In-Chief, the star shares that on top of looking flawless in campaign photos and videos, she’ll be working with the brand creatively.

“I’m excited to work as a creative partner alongside the Elizabeth Arden team, producing content that celebrates the spirit of the brand, highlighting female-centric stories that illustrate women’s true life experiences which unite us all,” the statement continues.